How to make your house more energy efficient


Just this week, shock headlines have been stating that Britain is set for a particularly cold winter. Reports are claiming that with temperatures set to plunge to -8 within the next few weeks, it’s going to be colder here than it will be in Iceland.

Whether the thought of a white Christmas fills you with festive cheer or makes you want to jet off to sunnier climates, you can guarantee that we’ll all be cranking up the heating to keep ourselves nice and warm.

If you want to stay nice and cosy while it’s freezing cold outside but don’t want to be hit with a huge heating bill, below are some great ways that you can increase your energy efficiency.

Heating and hot water

Our heating and hot water supply account for a staggering 62% of our annual energy costs. Your boiler and heating controls have a significant impact on your bills but here are some great ways to make some energy-saving improvements:

If you have central heating:

  • If your boiler is very old, change it for a newer, more effective model.
  • Prevent warm air from escaping, insulate and draught-proof your home.
  • Utilize chemical inhibitors to keep your system more effective.
  • Install better controls and use them to ensure that your boiler is only providing heat when and where you want it.

If you have electric heating:

  • This type of heating is more expensive so if you have particularly old heaters, consider fitting a new, more efficient model.
  • Install controllers and thermostats to increase efficiency.
  • Replace your system with an efficient boiler system.


All household appliances now have an energy rating label on them. This helps you to identify which will be the most cost-effective to run as well as have less of an impact on the environment. A+++ is the most efficient and D is the least efficient so always aim for goods that are closer to the top end of the scale if you want to reduce your bills.

Remember to avoid leaving electrical goods such as your television on standby. This could be costing you an extra £30 a year.



We lose a huge amount of heat through our windows and it’s why for some of us, keeping our homes warm feels like a never-ending battle.

If you don’t already have double glazing, it’s well-worth considering forking out to get this done. It may seem like a huge initial expense but it will save you money in the long run as well as add value to your property if you decide to sell it in the future.

If you already have double glazing and still feel the chill or you can’t afford to have all your windows done, window dressings can be very effective at keeping out any breezes. Closing blinds and curtains helps to keep draughts out but if you’re looking for the maximum possible protection, window shutters are by far the most effective.

As well as providing an extra layer of warmth between your windows, shutters have the added benefit of still being able to let light in so you can stay warm while enjoying the natural sunlight. They help to keep the warmth in winter and allow for a room to stay cool within the summer months, providing all-year round energy efficiency.

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