New Year Resolutions for your home

Interior design

Happy New Year! We hope you’ve all had a lovely time over Christmas and had a great celebratory New Year. We’ve decided to focus this week’s blog on that wonderful New Year tradition of making resolutions but with a twist! Many of you no doubt, will have made a few resolutions. Get fitter, lose weight, spend more time with the family and maybe even decide to volunteer for a charity that’s close to your heart but have you thought about making resolutions for your home?

Whether you’re finally going to throw out that old sofa, or install those beautiful patio door shutters that you’ve been eyeing up all year, a new year can be a great time to try something new with your interior design!

Being a home-owner doesn’t come without its issues and frustrations which can sometimes seem rather overwhelming and indeed quite costly, so we thought we would share some top tips with you to help you break down those seemingly time-consuming renovations into smaller chunks, without breaking your back or your bank!


This will probably be the worst bit! Give yourself half an hour with a blank piece of paper, a pen and a fortifying coffee – you’re going to need it! Now write down in bullet points all the chores that need doing as well as those things you would like to do to improve your home. Once you have your list, look over your tasks once again. Can you break them down even further?

For instance refurbishing the living room could be broken down into:

– Redecorating

– New lights

– New carpet

New Window Shutters

– New furniture – new sofas, chairs, coffee tables etc.

If you can’t afford to do it all at once this is a great way of making sure you can complete the whole job by doing it bit by bit. Set yourself a budget for each bit and how long you think each one will take. Next prioritise your list of Must Do’s, Want To Do’s and those which for now are not achievable.

Next write down when in 2023 you would like to do them. Again be realistic with what you can achieve both from a time perspective and a financial perspective. Once you have your final list, sit back and review it to make sure you can achieve the goals you’ve set yourself month by month. Once you are happy with your new ‘To-Do List’ why not get started, after all there’s no time like the present!


If you’re like me, over the Christmas period I tend to shove things away into cupboards with the intention of sorting them ‘later’, only later never seems to come around! If your cupboards and drawers are bulging why not give them an early spring clean and start decluttering. You’ll be amazed at how much space you create as well as clearing your mind. Set yourself a rule such as if you haven’t used it in the last 6 months store it away in the loft or garage and if you haven’t used it in the last 12 months maybe it’s time to recycle it. View 20 decluttering tips here.

Interior design

Memory Box

I saw something on one of the social media platforms last week which I thought was a lovely idea which could easily be adapted to showcase the improvements you make in your home over the course of the year. The original idea is really quite simple. Start the year with an empty jar or pot and every time something lovely happens make a note of it with the date and put it in your pot. At the end of 2023, reopen your pot and read your lovely little memento’s. It’s a great way to remember the little things that happen that have given you special memories. In terms of your house why not make little notes of the things you have done or even taken pictures and add them to your pot. You’ll be surprised at the end of the year at just how much you have achieved. Terramundi Pots are a quiet way to make sure you don’t take any sneaky peaks throughout the year! Visit the Terramundi website to view their range:

Good luck with your renovations and we wish you all a healthy, happy and prosperous 2023!

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